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Sunday, December 13, 2009


Ohkay camp wasnt actually as bad as i expected it to be lorh walao! worried for no reason, heheh i'm actually starting to miss camp...=( they were like really encouraging la! awwwww so sweet.mc's for lunch.chicken rice for dinner..gonna watch glee soon! so excited.haha i'm addicted to downloading that show.I LOVE RACHEL BERRY! haha she damn cute la.AND back to camp stuff.ohkay if you are in my school,you will be thinking i love camp just because someone was there i can swear upon harry potter that it was not becos of that person ohkay! i'm starting to think that person is MEAN lor! haha.so rude!but still damn cute la.neh mind although you have not seen that person be4 some pics will be in FB soon.so yea.wait for it.and besides i'm getting over it. oh yea my dad came back from China also.he bought this lollipop that glows in the dark.you might nevr know wats in it.thre mite be some powder in it..so unhealthy my bro is sucking away as usual.haha if you just read that phrase"my bro is sucking away as usual" it will sound bad. haaha that was for deleting my friendster last time...last year?(=kay i'm gonna end this post by saying i miss CAMP! SO MUCH<3 MY TEAM! haha
