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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Forget The Past ^ Move to the Present

Hey! i'm very sad right now,i mean i created it right..i dun mind that you did it too i just think that you should show some respect mannn! like forget it la ah! i fucking dont care,i tried to be nice but i know its not working..SO FUCK! Just today clarissa was telling me that how some friends might appear to be there but they are actually not,like you think they are awesome and stuff but when you really need them they are just telling you to forget it and move on..thats really not how life works maybe i'm just looking too much into it....NO i am not i'm just looking at facts,like when they have problems you really care and tell them really good advice but when you do the only advice is 'forget it la' or 'why do you care so much'..thats really not the kind of thing i wanna here but whatever maybe you should have friends for different stuff..yea,thats a good thing,thats what i'm gonna do from now,i dont wanna be dependant on just one friend,maybe it might be tough for them too,i would'nt know..and i know it will be tough but i'm gonna stop gossiping! STOP IT! i hate it when people gossip about me so maybe i should stop first..so what if they still do? they are jus wasting their time..ohkay i guess that is enough for now..bye
