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Saturday, February 13, 2010

I know its a reallly long time since i blogged,i didnt have a computer to blog on,my sister is already in Ausssie(: Ohkay,soooo i went to church todayyyy(: And i was all alone,clarissa didnt come.last week we went to TCC! Drank the oreo milkshake and ate cheesecake! Clarissa had the Mocca with the larva cake((: awesome stuff! oh yea i wanna go shopping but no timeeee! i need to go soon i dont wanna spend all the money then no more to go shop shop! oh yea i spent bloody hell 5 bucks to bloody damn get the school journal cause like mine broke..HAHA 1st month of school already can break journal..HORRIBLE AH!GOING TO THE BEACH TOMORROW AND YES,HAPPY VALENTINES DAY,BITCHES!!! HOPE ALL OF YOUR'LL GO FIND A DATE OR HAVE A DATE! I HAVE ONE,ARIELLE YOW!SHES FUCKING AWESOME! HAHA((:OH YEA I'M gonna get baptised soon(: i dont know if i'm ready it seems like a very serious thingy anyways i'm lazy to type so yea sorry but i'm gonna have to stop right here,like now...NOW!